UEi C157 Combustion Analyzer

  • Posted on: 24 September 2013
  • By: Sam

      Product selection in the Combustion Analysis market sure is “stacked”. All jokes aside, there are lots of options when it comes to which combustion analyzer you should choose. Today I will be discussing the UEi C157 Eagle3x Combustion Analyzer.

      The first thing that sets this analyzer apart from the competition is swapping out the O2 sensor for a CO2 sensor. This might seem counter-intuitive but hear me out. Most analyzers use the O2 sensor to calculate the Oxygen present then use that data to extrapolate the CO2 present. The C157 does the opposite and measures the CO2 directly then uses that information to calculate the O2. The CO2 sensor uses Electro-Optical Sensor technology instead of electro-chemical. This method is just as accurate but the benefits come with the CO2 sensor not having to be replaced as often. This allows UEi to offer a 5 year warranty on their sensors, something you won’t find with other manufacturers.

      Other benefits that set this analyzer apart are the built in dual manometer, ambient CO test, differential temperature, and a standard rubber boot with magnets for hands free testing. All these features plus normal tests on every combustion analyzer make this a great unit.


Cheers and Happy Testing


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